Friday, November 16, 2012

What Now?

Now that my 2nd purpose for using this school related Blog is over... What Now?

I need to complete this semester and register for the next, but before I do that I need to go into advisement and talk about what I need to do in able to claim this new disability and be able to test differently in classes, etc...

I know I have hinted, I don't remember if I actually came out and said what had happened. I had a really bad reaction to a new med. There were a lot of symptoms, but I was advised to try it for a full two weeks. At the end of that time and into the next week I had several migraines. I have suffered from really bad migraines since I was in 5th grade. Usually, my migraines start with the aura in one or both eyes--it is a arch shaped flashing neon thing, sometimes there are more than one; lately it stops there and I have a mild headache after. Sometimes, I get sick to my stomach and go numb down one side of my body. Sometimes, I feel my head is going to split in two.  These were not like my normal ones. The first few were like that and on the mild side, yet there was an undefined quality that wasn't normal. The last one knocked me off my feet and into bed for two days. It was everything and more. Because I can deal with them at home with strong coffee and Excedrin and a cool, dark room; because I have had migraines most of my life and been told there is no reason to go to the ER when I have one; because my doctor is away on maternity leave; I managed them alone at home. I am told I most likely had mini-strokes--which is one of the bad side affects this med can produce. Something happened. Something is different in my head. I will see my doctor when she is back. I will head to the ER if I have another migraine of any type.

I cannot do math. There have always been math things I could do in my head, easily, as I discussed before. Yet, I've always struggled to remember the formulas. I have always been really slow at algebra. But with written down notes, I can do it. Or I could. I just had to withdrawal from my algebra class. I failed the face to face test. The teacher had no sympathy and I don't blame her. She doesn't know me--it was an on-line class. I could be making this all up, to pull off a better grade. I will take the class again. First, I will make sure I have documentation that makes allowances for learning disabilities.

Even writing something like this has become very hard to do. I am honestly scared. I have El Jay to raise. He needs a healthy mom who can keep up with him. Plus, there is Jeddy. He is 18. Currently, he is harder to keep up with than El Jay is :-)

I am a single mom. I am 50. I have to get better.

So, what now? Me. Rest (maybe not quiet, because El Jay is never quiet....) Forse myself out of my comfort zone. Diet. Exercise. Etc.... to bad I can't do an internship that focuses on TINA, right? Then I'd have to set goals and I'd be accountable to someone else.

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