Monday, January 13, 2014


The fourth and last of the imaging tests I needed to do is complete. This one went smoothly. I have terrible veins, though, and it took three pokes to finally get the IV started. The actual test took less time then doing the IV.

I meet with the surgeon and oncologist on Thursday. Hopefully, they will have the information they need to decide on a treatment plan and we will be able to get moving. I am ready, now, to do this thing.

On my way home from the UNM Cancer Center I stopped at the UNM Main campus. Spring semester begins soon and I still have much to do to be ready. I had several questions, but the advisor insisted we start with the issue that I did not complete Math 102 and I have an "I". That was a good place to start, however, she couldn't help me. She had no idea how this was to be handled. I told her what I had already been told, but I had forgotten the letter with this info. She insisted I had to go to the Math Advisement office and have it resolved there. I had told her I had cancer and I was hoping to get some answers about this semester, but she had no clue what to do. She did say there was no way I could take my final Strat Comm class by independent study.  She  said that until I  resolved the Math issue we could not move forward with anything else.

At that moment, I made a decision to give up on college. I am so tired of school and graduation will not happen in May, unless.... people start helping me thru this experience. I told her that. Her answer was to have faith in God. That if I gave Him my tribulations, He would be there with the answers. I started to cry and as I walked out I told her she had answered my question about dropping out. I felt at that moment that the only answer was to give up. Taking a semester off is not the answer for me. I fear if I don't graduate this semester that I will never finish, even if all I have left are two classes.

Foto taken at the old UNM Pump Station at Yale and Central.

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