Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

I missed class on Thursday. I had a migraine. I am grateful that I don't get migraines as often as I use to and that they aren't as bad. I was not grateful to have a migraine on both Wednesday and again on Thursday.  I am grateful that, although I am told I have really bad migraines (I get the visual aura, which is like a neon flashing arch shape that gradually grows bigger until I cannot see from the affected eye, then I go numb down one side of my body--the left side is always worse--sometimes I barf, but the pain isn't like it once was....) that I don't need prescription meds to lessen the migraines--I take two regular Tylenol, a baby aspirin and a cup of strong coffee (if I drink coffee on a regular basis, though, I get migraines that are worse, more often) And I try to sleep in a quiet, dark, warm place..... I think the migraines were aware it was Random Acts of Kindness Week for they showed kindness to me this time. I am grateful this migraine was kind enough to hit 30-minutes before I had to leave to go to class. It is scary when they hit in public.

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. I saw posted on Facebook this question: What acts of kindness are you planning? Well... If I knew, they wouldn't be random. However, I am hoping my sons will randomly decide to clean the kitchen for me.....

When I was in college the first time around, I had a sociology class and the professor had us perform a deviant act and then write a paper about the experience. We couldn't break any laws, but we had to do something that went against societal norms. Random Acts of Kindness really aren't all that different from deviant acts.

I try to post a picture each time I write in this blog. I took this on Wednesday morning after driving my 9-year old to school. I was driving East on Sunset Gardens and the melting ice created a dazzling display, but I didn't have my camera. I rushed home, grabbed the camera and rushed back, but the 10-15 minute time difference was just enough for the sun to be at the wrong angle and for so much of the ice to be melted already. Still, I like this image.  You can see more melting snow, here.

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