Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Important Is it To BLOG?

An old friend posted this question today on her Facebook Wall: When trying to establish an online presence, how important is blogging?

She is looking for a job in marketing and wants to know the best way to look social media savvy to prospective employees.... what would you advise?

Here is a link to an old blog she started. it is about growing older and may not be the best blog to share with a potential boss: Old & Bitter.

We spent a little time this morning commenting back and forth on her question.

This friend, Jaidene, was one of my best friends in college the first time around. I met her Fall Quarter my Freshman year at Weber State in a ballet class. She was a total Molly Mormon, but was also the most irreverent, cynical person I knew. She was a fiery redhead and tomboy. Yet moved with the grace of a ballerina. When she transferred to University of Utah after our Sophomore year and changed her major to Marketing/Fashion Merchandising, I thought she was crazy. This is the girl who lived in flannel shirts, blue jeans and hiking boots. After she got married (by then I was married with one son and the second on his way) we lost contact and only just recently found each other on Facebook.  She lives in Denver. Is divorced. She never had kids (and she wanted eight!) She loves coffee, has a dog named Melvin and is agnostic. I am looking forward to a trip to Denver, when I will see her again after all these years.

This is a picture I took of Jaidene one of the times my dad took me and my friends rappelling. Her hair matches the rocks. My dad was certified to teach rock rappelling and never hesitated to take us climbing. I did it, but it was always scary to take that first step backwards, off a cliff....


Standing at the edge of the cliff.

Ropes holding me.

I hesitate.

My dad says, Lean back. You won't fall.

No. I can't. Too scary.

How can this rope stop me from falling?

I back a step closer to the edge.

Lean back. I promise I won't let you fall.

Not even a step, I edge just inches backwards.
I can feel my heel hanging over the edge.

Lean back. Farther. Lean back. You can do it.

I won't let you fall.

I close my eyes.
I take a deep breath.

Leaning.... backwards.
Nothing behind me.

Then I feel the rope tug.

Holding me.... firmly.

I feel a rush as I push away from the edge,

I let go and trust....

not only in a rope, but in the person on the other end.

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