I am so burned out on school. After ONLY eleven semesters at UNM.... I have just this semester and two or three or four more to go.... I am so burned out. I can't seem to shake this fog and lack of focus that began closing down on me in Sept when the new med disaster began. Truthfully, the depression seems to only get deeper.... and I have no clue how to help myself pull out of it.
A just smiled, A tiny smile, as a thought came to mind. NOT pull, Tina, but P.U.S.H. (now a snort from me) PUSH... Pray Until Something Happens. (and now tears) I don't know when I last truly prayed as I use to. I did pray and pray and pray and NOTHING happened. Life only got worse. Now, I just wonder who or what I am praying to....and IF....?
Well, prayer without action is useless, if you ask me. Nothing happens in life, unless we are willing to do do the work to make it happen. Maybe, that is my problem.